4 Simple Truths About Life and Success Which Most of Us Have Forgotten
1) You are not the only one who is intelligent out there. Everyone is smart in their own way. You cannot predict the level of intelligence or stupidity that someone might show in any particular situation based on their past records.
So never underestimate anyone, because overconfidence in you never works.
2) Be disciplined. And self discipline is what we mean here. Base your life on certain values and principles that you believe in and follow them religiously. It’s not necessary to follow any predefined rules, but make yourself a set of guidelines which will help you in leading life in a better and more planned way, rather than a hit and trial method.
3) Happiness and Success not always go together. This is perhaps one of the most important and the most forgotten lessons of life. We often correlate success and happiness, when in actual that is not the case. Being happy does not depend on you being successful. Reaching success is a journey, and you should try and be happy along the whole way. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap of “once I make it, I will be happy, and my life will be complete!”
If you believe that, you need to re-evaluate why and what you are doing. Chances are that the changes you are trying to make will not stick if it means very little to your life path. Every failure you experience is, in fact, a step towards your goal, towards success.
4) You are the master of your own choices. Make them wisely. Though the resources are abundant and the world has infinite opportunities, but everything cannot be suitable for everyone. Thus, chose wisely, weigh the pros and cons and take care if the decisions are based on temporary emotions or have a future perspective too.
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