Stories That Matters

Every Thought Matters

It Takes Courage

In a world obsessed with rules and sovereignty
Where judgments and opinions reign the society
It isn’t easy to create your identity


To create your identity, you step out every day,
To make your mark, to seize the day
I know it comes at a price, I know it isn’t easy


I know it isn’t easy to voice your thoughts
I know how people condemn and sabotage
I know how you always have a choice to withdraw


Yes, you have a choice to cocoon yourself
You always can choose to silence your words
But you choose to stand; you choose to fight


You choose to fight your battles than surrender in the game
Indomitable you contest, for your dignity, not fame
Life, we all have one, then why live in shame


Why live in shame, fear or remorse
Why tolerate prejudice, deceit or fraud
When you have the grit, when you have resolved


I know you have resolved to stand for yourself
I know you aren’t a quitter; you’ll walk the bend
I know it takes courage to face the world


Yes, it takes courage to face the world
Yes, it takes courage to step out every day,
To make your mark, to seize the day

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