Stories That Matters

Every Thought Matters

Connected Hearts

There is a period in all our childhood days when we all are over active , unknowingly curious and always ready to learn new things . We make mistakes and learn from them, just thinking about living and not surviving.
But what all of us don’t know is that we are connected through our dreams. Yes, that’s correct.

Like, have you ever had a dream of yourself in school but without any pants ?? , it’s funny but surprisingly many of us had this same dream.
We evolved from emotional to logical and sometimes the other way around. It’s like going from 1 to 100 or 100 to 1 , but we all cross every number in between. What I want to say is we all are connected to each other, some things we do earlier than others and some later. We all follow the same road no matter what choices do we make and that is the reason that success can be achieved at any point in our life. Some people getting richer while others not is also about choices we make but that isn’t about luck … Because luck favors all equally.
We all have the same instinct initially. We share same dreams and thoughts in our life .
We may be divided geographically but are united through our dreams .

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