“Melannin Goddess” Takes The Internet By Storm With Her Dark Beauty!
The internet is being taken by a storm as the netizens are finding this newfound definition of beauty astonishing!
“They nicknamed me Darky, daughter of the night, mother of the stars.”
People are stunned by Khoudia Diop’s beautiful dark skin. She’s a Senegalese model and her pictures are receiving all the right attention and comments.
Khoudia admits that she wasn’t always so confident—she was bullied and called names when she was younger because of her skin tone, but she’s embraced her uniqueness and pays no attention to negativity.
Khoudia’s confidence and attitude is inspiring young black girls all over the world to feel comfortable about their skin. Skin bleaching is a big problem in Africa and Asia where millions of women use whitening creams to try and fit into a world dominated by Western standards of beauty.