Money May Not Buy You Happiness, Try Clutching On To It A Little Less Tighter
Abhinav who had shared his story of how he helped an unknown person with money, has a special message for us.
I felt the need to write this due to reactions I received from many of the readers. People have used adjectives for me such as ‘Special’, ‘Gifted’ etc. some even to the extent of superhuman. I really appreciate each one of the kind responses and words of appreciation and I now carry a greater sense of responsibility in my daily life. But I feel the essence of my experience which needs to be highlighted is:
I am not a preacher or a person who has attained enlightenment. I am just a regular next door guy who just like any other normal working person impatiently looks forward to the weekends ( YES! for the same reasons).
‘You don’t need to stand out from the crowd or attain a certain level of superiority to bring a positive change in someone’s life. You can be the same regular guy with earthly desires and still make someone’s life better, maybe just for a day even if not for a lifetime.’
Money may not be able to BUY YOU happiness, TRY clutching on to it little LESS TIGHTER.. You may end up SPREADING happiness all around you. You may end up with a slightly lighter wallet, but you become a wealthier, happier person for the rest of your life!
So however small or inconsequential it may seem initially, just go with your heart and do it. That’s all it takes: A positive intent!
So just be YOU and make a difference. Don’t wait for the right time or the right situation, it may never come. NOW is the right time!!