His middle age and the ravages of time were more than hinted at by the furrowed countenance and the slight drag of his leg. He could however still hold on to the pole and keep braced up for the metro ride.
The bevy of youngsters were busy with their phones, heads bent as if in prayer. Chivalry had been laid to rest in the middle ages.
A sudden jerk of the car made her look up and her eyes rested on him. Her frown changed to a look of concern. She got balancing carefully on her heels. Uncle please take this seat. He greatfully sat down and said an inner prayer for the girl’s surrender.
It was a surrender of strength and character.
Did anyone on that journey learn anything that day? Or were they too engrossed in their fantasies spun on their phones?
We are the hues that make our society and the brighter the hues society also shines.