Author Profile
Alongwith writing a book successfully, what a writer needs is the right resources to make that book available to the audience that is waiting to read the “next big thing”.
Hence, we have come up with a global platform which will change the way people read and interact with books online and it will reach millions of readers across the globe. Going live in March 2018.
We are looking forward to interacting with and promote writers.
Writers (of anything- novels, poetry, short stories) who have been published or writing their first book and even those planning to write their first book.
To become a part of the Global Writing Revolution, submit your author profile by filling the form below.
Join us on our Facebook page and group to keep up with the latest buzz about this revolution.
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We believe that access to books from around the world should be a primary right of every individual.
Thus, we are crowdfunding to build a platform which will empower people with easy access to a reservoir of books from across the world. Also, at the same time giving writers a tool to get published with ease and reach the audience they deserve.
Join the revolution- Fund “as you like”, with any amount that you want to –