My Dream Dictionary
Ever wondered the significance of various things that you see in your dreams. Here’s my interpretation!
A dictionary about dreams
Has never been my dream
But I love the idea of learning
Some bits about dreams
A tea cup in your dreams
Without tea what it means
You plan to quit sipping tea
But you are hooked to the cup it seems
A hammer is the sign of vigor
That you really wish to attain
And a seagull over the sea
Might mean you want to fly again
A ballet slipper is probably the balance
You wish to attain in life
While you also dream to be powerful
As a shark that eats your dreams
When a table you dream that wobbles
You probably need some focus
And it seems you are afraid to lose teeth
When a dentist visits your dreams
What a rowboat signifies
That you still have some ties
And you want to elude from your worry
By rowing the boat in a hurry
Now don’t take my words for granted
For I only quilled some verses
As I saw some pen and paper
In my last night’s dreams