Obnoxious Men
A child is raped and burnt alive
By strong living beings who call themselves “men”
Insensitive of the age and innocence
All that matters to them is the sex of the child
A shameful act to be condemned for ages
But does our responsibility end just there
Is there nothing we can do to chasten such men
Would we meekly witness such deeds in future
Are such acts a measure of virility of men
Is womanhood merely a pleasure for them
Was a woman created to just satiate man’s wishes
To use and manipulate as men please
Who is at fault when a woman is molested
Whose dignity is lost when a woman is assaulted
Do you assent that such a woman should end her life
Is it really a woman who should cry and hide
What legacy are we going to present to our children
Do such men deserve to be called human
Are such men entitled to absolution
Aren’t they monsters disguised in the soul of human